onsdag 27 januari 2010


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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

torsdag 21 januari 2010

Sydafrika semester

Nu ska jag på semester och kommer tillbaka den 6e februari. Jag tänkte samla på mig massa inspiration att använda mig av i mina alster och inredningar. Förhoppningsvis kommer jag kunna skriva några inlägg när jag är på resande fot.

torsdag 14 januari 2010

Brodera mera

Nu har jag skapat nya kuddar av gamla grejer. Det har ju blivit min grej så jag har snurrat vidare in i kuddkreativiteten och jagat textil av alla de slag hela hösten. Jag har lagt beslag på en hel skattkista av broderier och annat kul tyg. Broderierna är fantastiska arbeten som tagit mycket tid och kraft att konstruera av tålmodiga fingrar som får nytt liv i form av kuddar.
Det skulle vara kul att få kommentarer på dem.

onsdag 13 januari 2010

From English to Swedish

I have decided to begin to write in english for all you readers that follow my blog that are non Swedish speaking. But with Google translate that shouldn´t be a problem. But since I am based in Sweden this is why I have taken this decision. I hope you will pop in from time to time even so.

I´ll leave you with this last entry in english by posting some pics from Paris-based architect India Mahdavi. Who have completed the space of three-storey Parisian restaurant interior design “Germain” located in 25-27 rue de Buci in the 6th Arrondissement. Swedish colours and all...;-)

måndag 11 januari 2010

My home featured in Metro Bostad

My apartment in Malmö, Sweden, was featured in this weeks edition of Metro Bostad(which is Metro´s separate issue of properties for sale) in Skåne, which is the south part of Sweden. I was really excited about it and looking forward to see it in print. I was really surprised that the article was so big. Two spreads and cover! Really nice pictures by Sofi Sykfont and text by Anna Braun. If you want to read the full article (in Swedish) just press the link and scroll to pages 6-9.

fredag 8 januari 2010

Yellow and white striped Pouf

I finished this piece recently. The traditional use of a piece like this is to have your sowing or knitting underneath the little compartment where you have your needles and threads and such. And besides that you can sit on it when the lid is down. The top is in black velvet and the yellow/white fabric is a heavy cotton. The tiny legs are carved as lions feet and painted black. Inside it´s covered in white cotton and lined with a black velvet ribbon. Available at Tapetorama in Malmö.

1950´s New Years Celebration

This New Year Eve was all about 1950´s high class society. I had a really great time fixing these girls with hair and make up before it was time to bring out the champagne and start celebrating. Short hair became long and thin hair was made thick. False eyelashes and mouches was added and all off a sudden these girls where even more stunning than before. And guess if they where popular;-)

söndag 3 januari 2010

Coming trends for 2010

Gaetano Pesce has produced this photograph sofa if that is what you wish to call it. Who knows. Even if we won´t see furniture exactly like this. There will probably be rip offs and inspired furniture. You have to agree that it is different and fun.